Random Facts (1/19) - Nobody knew what a water chestnut was until we wrapped it in bacon.
Child's Play 2007

Nov 13, 2007

Blog Dedication: Chad

outta ur league! next!

Chad...after much discussion (more like a couple of seconds), I've come to realize you will be are the attention-whore blogger. Why? Look at your blogs!! Our average reader will dedicate most of their time eating up your words--a lot more than everyone combined!! If that's not a blog whore, I don't know what is.


Chad said...

Hey now! I do believe that you have the same amount of activity on this blog so far as I do (minus a few hundred words, were talking posts/comments here). So we are blog whores together!

Just because I have a lot of opinions, and express them thoroughly doesn't mean you have to make fun of me. :-(

Now I cry. :-(>>>>>>>

helen said...

Yes, cry home to your stuffed bear binky. Now don't forget to hug him crazily tight this time, you don't want him to run away from you again, do you?

Sean said...

I like pie.

Phil said...

Cake you heathen! Cake is superior!

However, as an olive branch, I offer you cheesecake as a compromise. Cake in name, its structure is far more like that of custard pie, and is an example of how we can all get along.

Also, Chad, I'll be your "stuffed bear binky" anytime.

Chad said...

Good. I'll run to Phil. So nyah Helen. NYAH!