During a casual conversation with a friend today about marijuana, I turned a few phrases I thought were unique in regards to the act of smoking said herb. It got me thinking; how awesome would it be if there was some form of thought sharing forum I could post those phrases? And not only that, but I could come up with many more to share! But wait, there is such a place, it’s called Wasabisoft!! YAY!
Click the read more to, ahem, read more.
Before you read this, Wasabisoft in no way, shape or form promotes or encourages the use of drugs. Unless you can get them cheap.
Here is a partial list of new phrases that can be associated with smoking marijuana (when reading, imaging you telling your friend its “time to go….”):
Swim in the shallow end
Drive down Doobie Lane
Elevate the masses
Cook with Pot Belly Joe
Rub the magic lamp (ok, so that sounds like a phrase for doing something else)
Talk to the floating genie
High five Mary
Run the mile with one leg
Inhale deeply from a cannabis filled wrapped piece of paper
Watch a documentary
Make-um smoke signals
Be Ricky Williams
Dance in the acid rain
Get really really really really really really not low
You could also say:
Kiss the sky
smoke a hogleg
burn some rope
get hungry
waste a perfectly good hour or three
Don't forget. . . . .
Burning the Sacred Bush
Getting your daily Ruffage
Saying High to Buddah
Smoking the Devils Lettuce
smoking the ganja. or rocking the ganja. thought thatd be the first you all would think of...its definately most common around here.
twist a wig,
burn some,
smoke n toke,
go on a date with mary jane,
rollin' in the grass,
fight early onset of glaucoma
light it up
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