Random Facts (1/19) - Nobody knew what a water chestnut was until we wrapped it in bacon.
Child's Play 2007

Dec 27, 2007

What They Don't Teach You In School

outta ur league! next!

School, for many, will take up, waste, and educate us for most of our lives. But, who really learns anything from school? Most of us tune out what happens from K-12 and even in college. Why? Mainly because their teachings come from textbooks. We grimace at the words of 'homework' or 'read chapter 5'; mainly because we picture this large textbook suffocating our lives.

As you know, textbook language is like a secret code. You have to actually think to process what you just read. See? You had to reread that sentence, right? When you decipher this code, you feel an enlightenment has come over you. Like a, "Hallelujah" moment.

Well, I'm here to bring you more "Hallelujah" moments; moments of 'never heard before', moments of pure reminders, moments of 'holy no way!', and just pure moments about life and everything in it. Because, we all deserve more "Hallelujah" moments even if we are dumb as a door knob or sheltered like a caged hamster.

Hallelujah moment #1: Five reasons why you shouldn't bully others.

5) You have to deal with 'authorities'
4) A voodoo doll of you exists--which explains all that pain in your groin
3) The bullied will end up being your boss and they'll make you pay then!
2) Karma is a bitch.
1) Columbine/Virginia Tech #22910 will happen

No matter how much fun we think it is, in the end, you'll pay a price. Like idiots, you all wish to only reach #5 and never #1; but it never works out in your favor, does it?

Moments Poem #1

bully of mine;
you died
no one cried.


Gerry said...

I wonder if chad will call you a thief haha

helen said...

No loser, not even close to what Chad writes about.

Chad said...

Tis true, not even close. I got your back Helen.

helen said...

Ha gerry! ha!!

thanks Chad!