Random Facts (1/19) - Nobody knew what a water chestnut was until we wrapped it in bacon.
Child's Play 2007

Nov 17, 2007

Thar be somethin a'brewin' (NOT COFFEE)


We have a little something we're working on in the background to hopefully make your experience here a little more enjoyable. I can't say anything just yet, aside from what I just said. But be ready! And be scared! But not too scared. And if you do get too scared, don't worry, we'll hold you tight and caress you until you are calm and sleeping. And by we, I mean Sean. That's his department.


Nov 16, 2007

Marijuana Phrases


During a casual conversation with a friend today about marijuana, I turned a few phrases I thought were unique in regards to the act of smoking said herb. It got me thinking; how awesome would it be if there was some form of thought sharing forum I could post those phrases? And not only that, but I could come up with many more to share! But wait, there is such a place, it’s called Wasabisoft!! YAY!

Click the read more to, ahem, read more.

Before you read this, Wasabisoft in no way, shape or form promotes or encourages the use of drugs. Unless you can get them cheap.

Here is a partial list of new phrases that can be associated with smoking marijuana (when reading, imaging you telling your friend its “time to go….”):

Swim in the shallow end
Drive down Doobie Lane
Elevate the masses
Cook with Pot Belly Joe
Rub the magic lamp (ok, so that sounds like a phrase for doing something else)
Talk to the floating genie
High five Mary
Run the mile with one leg
Inhale deeply from a cannabis filled wrapped piece of paper
Watch a documentary
Make-um smoke signals
Be Ricky Williams
Dance in the acid rain
Get really really really really really really not low


Hello world


I am the Slipstream. The wind beneath your consoles wings....I will lift up new games and then without warning let them fall before your eyes.

Seriously, I will post informative reviews and analysis of games, music, and other entertainment related activities/mediums. At the same time hopefully I can make you laugh. A chuckle would even suffice.

To be a part of this Blog makes me happy, hopefully I can return the favor and make you happy for reading it.


Nov 15, 2007

Blog Dedication: Phil

outta ur league! next!

Phil, your picture utterly scares me. Worse than Bloody Mary and Freddy Kreuger combined. It scared me when Gerry was editing it and showing us 'drafts.' Each and every time I saw a new link, it scared me. To the point that I didn't want to click on the draft links for the fear that it would scare me some more.

Children beware, do not, I repeat, do NOT look at his picture for too long. He will come EAT YOU!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fairytale Time™

I like Cake

As per a special request from The Chad, it is now Fairytale Time™.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a boy named Xygzyz'tkt. He was constantly mocked for his name. I mean look at that. That shit's completely unpronounceable. There's not even a damn vowel unless you wanna count Y and, honestly, who does. What the flying Voltron Jesus is this. Yes, Voltron Jesus. He is composed of mecha-lion Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and John the Baptist, with King David as the head. He's so awesome. Absolves you of your sins, and then slices a Robeast in half with His sword.

Well, little captain unpronounceable went through his childhood under the cursed aegis of his name. He was unable to attend school since he was always marked absent by teachers who could not pronounce Xygzyz'tkt, and therefore dispensed with even attempting to determine his presence. He took up a career in scrubbing the grout between tiles on bathroom floors to make enough money to get by. He lived a mostly uninteresting life. His most entertaining story consisted of him once receiving an extra farthing's worth of change at his local Ye Olde Generale Store-e. He died of name cancer in his bed at the age of 47, and his body was burned by the local community to keep the "name taint" from spreading.

Moral of the story? Don't name your kid something bizarre and unpronounceable. Please. Even crazy spellings of normal names are out. It's Mary, not Mayree, or Maari, or any other thing like that. All you're doing is ensuring your kid gets mocked, and that nobody is ever able to spell their name right for the rest of their life, unless they get fed up and legally change it to the normal spelling.



Super Gerrio Galaxy or Reviewers that can't keep their mouths shut

Super Mario Galaxy


If it wasn't apparent from my last post, for the past few days, I've been totally engrossed with Super Mario Galaxy. Playing through all the ins and outs on a quest to get 120 stars and unlock the secret. I won't say what it is for those of you who haven't managed to do that yet, but I will say about 10 minutes ago I completed just that and it is totally worth it.

Unfortunately, that secret was ruined for me. A disturbing trend I'm noticing in reviewing politic lately is to tell you too much about an upcoming game, including plot twists that may have otherwise been a surprise. I can understand where they are coming from, however. They are the first ones to get a copy of the game in the world. It is their job to play it and give their analysis of this product. They are also gamers, and as such, they want to be able to brag saying, "Yeah, I unlocked this." Or, "It was so sad when..." But please, you are professionals. You should either put at the top of the article that you are including spoilers in the review. There are plenty of other things to talk about the games other than unlockables and what they are.

Because I am looking out for you, I'm going to put that this next paragraph DOES contain spoilers in an attempt to explain how reviewers are ruining things for every gamers. Though with some of these, if you didn't already know, shame on you. Back when Final Fantasy 7 came out, one particular review said something to the effect of , "The game does a good job of evoking an emotional response in players, especially when Aeris dies at the end of disk one." Wait, let me double back there. Aeris dies? And your fucking telling me this in a review? What the hell is the matter with you? Another one I recall off the top of my head was an image in the print EGM. They did a review of Chrono Cross in which one of the screen shots showed enemies earlier on in the game in your party.

I use older examples because I wouldn't want to ruin some of the surprises of newer games. There's one site in particular who is very good at this and others who seem to slip up every now and then (no I won't name them), but there's really no need to ruin the gaming experience for everyone. When I read the thing about Aeris, I literally stopped playing for awhile. A very good current example is how Gamepro ruined a surprise for Rock Band. I won't say what the surprise was, but I will say they were not the ones who were supposed to release the information. The good friends of Harmonix, Score Hero, were supposed to release that information.

But what do reviewers care? It's not like a developer can do anything or the reviewer may blacklist said developer. This is ridiculous. We make these games for everyone. Not just the over zealous game reviewer. Just because they want some attention and are trying to boost traffic is no reason to slip information. I can understand that they need to reveal enough about the game to put up a good review, but there is a point where you need to use some common sense and not let up a big secret or plot twist.


What are your priorities?


Priorities are going to be a series of posts where I point out flaws that I see, and things that need to change. Please freely express your ideas and comments.

Since I attend school away from home, I rarely get a chance to know what goes on in the outside world. College dorm life is pretty much living in a bubble of campus atmosphere. Occassionally, I like to burst this bubble (and procrastinate from studying) when I decide to go to the world wide web and read some news. You might ask, well you have a tv don't you? Sure I do, but when you're a science student you're pretty much reading your book most of the time than watching tv. In any case, I went to www.ny1.com for my hometown news. The top story: Yankees And A-Rod Reportedly Close To Deal. Please imagine me doing this: ...-_-?? Great, that's the top story that everyone is very concerned about? Don't get me wrong, if you love sports good for you. But sports is not something that is do or die, unless you're a sports gambler and please stop gambling. I read on for further stories: Fire Rips Through Lower Manhattan Skyscraper. Now why is this story not the top story? Why is the preference of sports over a skyscraper? In fact, why isn't there a top story of a missing child that needs to be found, or an emphasis of a robbery or murder happening in your next zip code? I mean, are you going to worry about sports when you should have paid more attention to the picture of a robber who is standing behind you on line for a morning coffee?


Nov 14, 2007

I'm a Horrible Contributor


Yes, I know, I'm a horrible horrible contributor. But not without good reason. If not for me, none of these fools would've been able to make their post. Part of being a good leader is making sure things are working in the background. I would also like to take this time to thank Helen for figuring out the read more button. God it would've been awful to see more billion line Chad posts without it. No disrespect to Chad of course.

But I've also been working on getting everyone's images ready and setting up a format for everyone's posts, correcting a certain few people's broken posts, and just general upkeep associated with starting a new blog. I assure you I have not been playing Super Mario Galaxy with the free time I don't have. Surely I have not already completed that excellent game and am already on my way to one hundred and twenty stars.

Ok, I'm done with the excessive linking... for now. I would like to take this time to touch on a subject that I hate to bring up, but I must.


I'm an idiot and the content that was here has been removed due to some violation that I stupidly was not aware of. Thanks Helen. Thanks for preventing me from getting banned.

Well, I have some work I need to get done. I am most assuredly not loading up Mario Galaxy to finish the last of the stars.


Changing the world


There is an epidemic starting around the world. Its been contained in the past, but it is breaking free and, quite frankly, it is starting to scare the bajeebus out of me. Be forewarned, because what I am about to tell you may shock and scare you. It may make you rethink having children. If you do have children, it may make you want to push them back into the womb. Here it goes…

More and more people are calling each other by names such as “Broseph” and “Brah”.

I know, it sends chills down your spine. But I am here to try to being to right this wrong. Unless you are a high school jock, or in some form of fraternity, you should NOT be allowed to use such terms or any variations. “Bro-dawg”, “Bro-dge”, “Broster”, all of those should be banned. There should be laws passed to punish those that think they are cooler for using such words.

There is nothing more disheartening then hearing a middle aged man call out to his middle aged friend, “Hey Brosiah.”

Please, join me in this fight. Please help me end such obnoxiousness. This is only one of the first steps in de-stupefying the world. All it takes is a fist. If you hear someone say any variations of the words listed above, please punch them and proclaim “You’re not cool!”

Thank you.


Make the world a better place, punch brosephs in the face.

P.S. My word processor tries to auto-correct brosephs into brose pHs. I don’t know why, but I take it as a sign that even the computer is smart enough to know those people are wrong.




So yeah. A blog of some sorts? I construe I could construct a cacophony of concepts concocted by my cranial cavity here. Alliteration also, as I adore it. Essentially, I am the evil one. Every problem I encounter, my first thought is whether or not I can apply force to solve it.

Door stuck? Smash it. Sleeve caught on something? Rip it. You would not believe how short the lifespan of a pair of my pants is. This doesn't mean I'm stupid; It's just that I lack patience. If required, I can use tactics, strategy, guile, or any other Street Fighter character. Yes, that was a horrible Street Fighter pun. I don't apologize. You can blame my father for that kind of thing.
That's not to say I'm all bad. I hold rules in very high esteem. They keep us restrained. In check. They provide a structure and a set of guidelines for us to base our behavior around. I don't refrain from committing crimes because my sense of morality tells me not to. I refrain from committing crimes because it is against the law, and there are definite consequences for such actions.
Around here, you'll often see me posting about things that have pissed me off. Or not. To be honest, as this is the first blog-type-thing I've been involved in, I'm not sure how I will react. Perhaps I shall wax poetic about the virtues of having a fresh herb garden, with a weekly update on my latest aquisitions? Perhaps I shall bang out a manifesto on how ineffective an overly lenient criminal justice system is? Only time will tell.

-- P


Inside View to Immunology


Immunologists attempt to achieve an understanding of how our body responds when under attack by antigens. The following is an explanation of the importance of T-cells in the immune response system. T-cells are part of our adaptive immunity to foreign pathogens.

Two children of the Islayev family were found to have a flaw in their MHC. Tatiana and Alexander often suffered from chronic respiratory infections despite immunizations as infants. Analysis of their blood found low levels of CD8 T-cells, but normal levels of IgG, B-cells, and other lymphocytes which showed normal humoral immunity. Their parents and siblings were found to have normal levels of CD8 T-cells and immunity.

The difference in CD8 T-cells expressed in Tatiana and Alexander from the rest of their family was directly related to their inability to respond to respiratory infections. CD8 T-cells recognize MHC class I molecules which present endogenous antigen. The antigen is cut into peptides by proteosome and transported into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by TAP where it binds to the peptide binding groove. The MHC molecule is assembled in the ER by chaperone proteins and leaves in a vesicle to present itself on the cell membrane. When a CD8 T-cell binds to it, an immune response is made. The cytotoxic T-cell recognizes the viral antigen presented and kills the infected cell.

A second class of MHC molecules is MHC class II, which present exogenous antigen. MHC class II molecule is synthesized in the ER with an invariant chain on binding groove and travels by vesicle into the cytoplasm. The invariant chain cleaves and leaves a CLIP fragment on the groove. Antigen enters the cell and antigenic peptides bind to the groove displacing CLIP fragment. MHC molecule expresses the peptide at cell surface to CD4 T-cells. CD4 TH1 cells activate macrophages. CD4 TH2 cells activate B-cells to become plasma cells and release antibodies.

In Tatiana’s and Alexander’s immune system, their MHC class II molecules were functioning properly but their MHC class I molecules weren’t. A mutation in TAP would prevent MHC class I molecules from fully maturing, therefore unable to present endogenous antigen to CD8 T-cells. Because Tatiana and Alexander inherited homozygous haplotypes from their parents, they have mutated TAP. The homozygous genes lower the number and type of peptide antigens presented because of the absence of MHC class I molecules on cell surface. With minimal MHC class I activity, they're still able to have normal humoral immunity because their bodies produced normal levels of B-cells, T-cells and lymphocytes which recognize MHC class II molecules.


Nov 13, 2007

Blog Dedication: Chad

outta ur league! next!

Chad...after much discussion (more like a couple of seconds), I've come to realize you will be are the attention-whore blogger. Why? Look at your blogs!! Our average reader will dedicate most of their time eating up your words--a lot more than everyone combined!! If that's not a blog whore, I don't know what is.


Bringing Down The System


I am now purposely NOT following Gerry's directions on how to use this blog template thingy. Being (still! fucking STILL!) only an E-4 in das Army, we prefer to determine the usage of a particular object by simply pushing buttons until something happens or smoke starts billowing out, whichever comes first.

Apparently, I'm supposed to type the rest of my post here. At this point, I've really got nothing. However, I WOULD like to take this opportunity to present alternate titles under which I may reign on this site, these being Deviant Political Theorist and Freelance Bullshit Artist. Thus do I contribute.

Omnium Bonum Est


Hello Wello!


Hello wello!

How do you do? This blogging business is demanding, hence we will try to fulfill your interests and sustain a good audience.

With the market of the world wide web, I hope our blogging products make delicious treats for your intellect. With that said, please return soon!


Nov 12, 2007

wat the HELEN!?

outta ur league! next!


What the heck do I say in this thing? Oh, I know.

I am the supreme ruler of Wasabisoft. In such a short time, I bumped Gerry to Co-Founder. Eventually, I shall take over Founder and bump Gerry off entirely. Take that Co-Founder!! "b!tch, move outta the way, move outta the way" o/~

As you can read from the post below, I get to have everything my way; of course, this is the way of the supreme ruler. We can't have it any other way, could we?

I am the master, the drummer or whatever you want to call me (god!!) that will create Wasabisoft's world domination! If you're a broken wheel, I'd either fix you up, or put you out of your misery. We will have it no other way. You can't stop us!! You will be ridden before we stop!

Other than that, I'm nice. :)

And no, I won't make this longer than Chad's--he's just very long-winded. Don't mind his blogs, I never read them until later anyways....a lot later. I mean, who has time for that??


This is an actual conv...


This is an actual conversation, including the minutes, during a meeting at Wasabisoft’s iHeadquarters. The conversation is about Helen’s avatar for this blog you are reading.

[13:35] (Gerry): man
[13:35] (Gerry): if someone were to look at my photobucket
[13:35] (Helen): o.oa
[13:35] (Gerry): they might think I'm stalking you helen

[13:35] (Helen): HAHAHAHAHA
[13:35] (Helen): DELETE
[13:35] (Gerry): ok last 3
[13:35] (Gerry): [links to three images for Helen to look at]
[13:36] (Helen): wat are the differences?
[13:36] (Helen): haahah
[13:36] (Helen): OHh
[13:36] (Helen): cropped
[13:36] (Gerry): and 33s adds yer little smirk fix haha
[13:37] (Helen): smirk
[13:37] (Helen): 33s
[13:37] (Helen): u know wat i did???
[13:37] (Helen): COPY AND PASTRE
[13:37] (Helen): PASTE
[13:37] (Helen): hahaha
[13:37] (Gerry): >.>
[13:37] (Helen): haha
[13:37] (Helen): i was like
[13:37] (Helen): DUH
[13:39] (Helen): heres the final i think
[13:40] (Gerry): what site do you want your picture to go to?
[13:40] (Helen): o.oa
[13:40] (Helen): my games site
[13:40] (Helen): lemme finish it first
[13:40] (Helen): my pic doesnt look good cropped
[13:41] (Helen): cuz theres not enuff contrast
[13:41] (Helen): hmmm
[13:41] (Gerry): it needs to fit to 100x100
[13:41] (Helen): i like it better whe n u can see the background
[13:41] (Helen): ooh
[13:41] (Helen): how do i save it
[13:42] (Gerry): image -> image size
[13:42] (Helen): ooh
[13:42] (Helen): ok
[13:42] (Helen): 100 pixels?
[13:42] (Helen): o.o
[13:42] (Helen): it gives me 133 x 100
[13:42] (Gerry): change height to 100
[13:42] (Helen): or 100 x 75
[13:42] (Gerry): then crop the width
[13:42] (Helen): o.o
[13:42] (Gerry): ok put it at 133x100
[13:43] (Gerry): then pic the selector too
[13:43] (Helen): ok
[13:43] (Gerry): errr
[13:43] (Helen): o.o whats selector
[13:43] (Gerry): rectangular marquee
[13:43] (Helen): o.o
[13:43] (Gerry): the where it says style up top
[13:43] (Gerry): chance to fixed size
[13:43] (Gerry): 100x100
[13:43] (Gerry): but remember
[13:44] (Gerry): when I add the board it will take out some of your hair
[13:44] (Gerry): boarder
[13:44] (Helen): wth 100x 100
[13:44] (Gerry): ok
[13:44] (Helen): hmm
[13:44] (Helen): no i got it
[13:44] (Gerry): k
[13:45] (Helen): o.o
[13:48] (Gerry): um
[13:48] (Gerry): helen
[13:48] (Gerry): yer pic is 100x75
[13:48] (Helen): HAHA
[13:48] (Helen): YES
[13:48] (Helen): yeS IT IS
[13:48] (Gerry): but it needs to be 100x100
[13:48] (Helen): leave it
[13:48] (Helen): WHY
[13:48] (Helen): does it have t obe 100x100
[13:49] (Gerry): cause that's the standard >.>
[13:49] (Helen): WHYYY
[13:49] (Helen): it should still upLOAD
[13:49] (Helen): whY NOT!!
[13:49] (Gerry): I have to redo mine and chads
[13:49] (Helen): OH
[13:49] (Helen): standard size
[13:49] (Helen): yes redo urs
[13:49] (Gerry): T-T
[13:49] (Helen): cuz
[13:49] (Helen): if i shrink it to 100 x 100
[13:49] (Helen): half of me is gone
[13:49] (Helen): or it looks funny
[13:49] (Chad): by the way, this has to be one of the best conversations ever
[13:51] (Helen): lol
[13:52] (Gerry): sigh
[13:52] (Gerry): with mine and chads designed in 100x100
[13:53] (Gerry): I have to remake them entirely
[13:54] (Helen): reALLY?!
[13:55] (Helen): thats bogus!
[13:55] (Helen): just make mine small
[13:55] (Helen): cuz im cool like that
[13:55] (Gerry): >.>
[13:55] (Helen): C"monn
[13:55] (Helen): bea non conformist
[13:55] (Helen): you're an artist
[13:55] (Helen): not a stiff
[13:55] (Helen): c'mnon
[13:56] (Gerry): yeah
[13:56] (Gerry): but if one is wide screen ratio
[13:56] (Gerry): it makes the others look bad
[13:56] (Helen): HAHAHa
[13:56] (Helen): cuz im' cooool
[13:56] (Helen): its ok
[13:56] (Helen): leave the current one u have
[13:56] (Helen): that ones fine
[13:57] (Helen): i was jus being a butt
[13:57] (Helen): ahaha
[13:59] (Gerry): wow
[13:59] (Gerry): I cannot recreate mine at all
[13:59] (Gerry): I don't know how I got it to look like that
[13:59] (Helen): hahahaa
[13:59] (Helen): funnies
[13:59] (Helen): its ok
[13:59] (Helen): leave it alone
[13:59] (Helen): im' fine with it
[14:00] (Gerry): AH HA! got it!
[14:03] (Gerry): I take it back. I don't got it
[14:07] (Gerry): arge
[14:07] (Gerry): why is mine impossible to recreate
[14:12] (Gerry): now that I've seen the wide ones.... I like it


Who is this Chad you speak of?



My name is Chad.

I type in fragmented paragraphs.

Fragmented sentences.

My contribution to Wasabisoft will be mainly on the creative/writing end. I am an ideas man. I am an artist. I am the walrus. Most of my posts here will probably fall somewhere between "neat idea" and "randomness that confuses the masses". At times, especially if we are discussing a project or schemes, I will get somewhat serious. Otherwise, you will probably find most of the random musings located on this blog directly from me.

That is not to say I am not completely serious about Wasabisoft and it's goal for ultimate world domination. If there were a title to what I do, it would be something along the lines of "Court Jester", but since most corporations don't have one of those (except for Microsoft.... poor Jim Harden, he was a Harvard grad who thought Microsoft would help propel his career to the moon. Let this be a lesson to everyone who wants to work at Microsoft, never EVER draw a cartoon with Bill Gates in a precarious position with a chicken holding an apple and post it on the break room refrigerator. Sure, $250,000 a year isn't bad. But when you are Billie's personal Jester, doing his Jest, it's nothing short of suicide inducing.) I will have to be content with "Writer" (no WGA bid yet, but hopefully soon).

I will try to keep my posts game and/or Wasabisoft related, but that will probably only go as far as this post. Oh yeah, I'm also honest about when I lie (take *that* paradoxes!).

I'm sure there are other things you need to know. But I wanted to have a base "introductory" post on this blog. That way, I get that obligation out of the way.

And now I run wild.



Welcome to your doom Wasabisoft!


As the original founder of Wasabisoft, I would like to welcome everyone to this blog. Here you will meet a random assortment of great people with great talent (or great ability to talk about random things, but I suppose that is a talent too).

I am Gerry. I have had the idea for Wasabisoft for a very long time. Originally, it was just a game company I came up with for an old game I was creating. While the spirit of the game side of Wasabisoft lives on, thanks to the others you will meet here, it has blossomed into something much much more than I could have ever imagined. And while my role as founder has quickly moved to co-founder, I would have it no other way, for without these people, Wasabisoft would just be a memory of a time a kid in high school was playing around with RPGmaker95.

I will allow everyone to introduce themselves as I could not do them the justice they deserve. Whether it be art, a story, photos, or just the nonsensical rant, we hope you will find something here to entertain you during your visit.

Again, welcome and enjoy!