MADtv conjures funny but true lyrics about Apple and their tactics. Of course, they exist because fanboys are just plain fanboys.
From Feist - 1234
Hey hey! Lets not say anything that we can't take back. There are fanboys on both sides. But I feel a large population of PC users are becoming more disgruntled because of Apple's advertising attacks on PC. They are 2 separate platforms that cater to 2 separate userbases.
Hey hey! Lets not say anything that we can't take back. There are fanboys on both sides. But I feel a large population of PC users are becoming more disgruntled because of Apple's advertising attacks on PC. They are 2 separate platforms that cater to 2 separate userbases.
yes yes, of course, but it's always more fun when they can create a jingle :)
if you have one for PC, link me :D I'd like to see that, too.
But yes, two different platforms.
But what fun is it if we can't poke at each other?!?!
Well, I love this when they were showing off Vista:
But just to show you I'm not an insecure mac user like 95% of their users, this is my fav mac ad spoof:
Though, its old
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